""Pretty Little Liability" (Honorable Mention)" by Hannah Daab

Images of Research Competition

Editor's Notes

Images of Research (IOR) is an opportunity for current Murray State students from all disciplines to capture, share, and present the essence of their research in images. This competition showcases and preserves students' research in print and digital form and fosters engagement and creative endeavors.

The entries came from a wide range of disciplines including Agriculture, Art Education, Biology, Criminal Justice, Exercise Science, Graphic Design, History, Journalism, Marketing, Nursing, Occupational Health and Safety, Political Science, Photography, Public Relations, and TV Production for a total of 83 entries, making the judges' decision a difficult one. Overall the submitted work was engaging, visually stimulating, and an excellent representation of the research going on at Murray State University.

Committee Members

Dana Statton Thompson, MLIS, Assistant Professor of University Libraries (Chair)

Dr. Antje Gamble, Assistant Professor of Art & Design

Dr. Marcie Venter, Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Michael Flinn, Professor of Biological Science and Director of Hancock Biological Station

Michelle Burdine, MFA, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art & Design

T. Michael Martin, MFA, Associate Professor of Art & Design and Director of University Galleries


It was once believed that a woman’s attractiveness benefited her in many aspects of life, including her career. Following the progression of the #MeToo movement, society has seen beauty become a liability for women in the workplace. My research strives to dive into this phenomenon and look at the effect that increased attractiveness has on women as potential job candidates. I hypothesize that increased attractiveness has a positive effect on a hiring manager’s perception of the candidate as a liability, which would, in turn, have a negative effect on hiring intentions.

This image presents a young woman in the restroom at her potential place of employment, just before her interview begins. By taking part in enhancing her appearance, she is labeling herself with the demeaning words on the mirror, in the eyes of her interviewer. The company can’t risk any sexual assault allegations. Will her beauty cost her the job?
