""Surprising Soil 1" (3rd Place)" by Reagan Newell

"Surprising Soil 1" (3rd Place)

Images of Research Competition

Editor's Notes

Images of Research (IOR) is an opportunity for current Murray State students from all disciplines to capture, share, and present the essence of their research in images. IOR showcases and preserves students' research in digital form and fosters engagement and creative endeavors. The jurors extend their thanks to the students who entered work for this year's competition. The entries came from a wide range of disciplines including Agricultural Education, Agronomy, Biology, Design Engineering Technology, Fisheries/Aquatic Biology, Occupational Safety and Health, and Wildlife Conservation Biology. The jurors' decision-making process was challenging as the submitted work was engaging, visually stimulating, and excellent representations of Murray State student research.

Committee Members

Dana Statton Thompson, MLIS, Assistant Professor of University Libraries (Jury Chair)

Dr. Antje Gamble, Assistant Professor of Art & Design

Dr. Marcie Venter, Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Michael Flinn, Professor of Biological Science and Director of Hancock Biological Station

T. Michael Martin, MFA, Associate Professor of Art & Design and Director of University Galleries


Description: Soil, you mean that dirt in the ground? No, we mean that soil that makes life go round. While many may not see the direct importance of soil when they look at it, that doesn't negate any of its value. Soil provides the crops we eat with the nutrients to grow, and the very foundation for our way of life. Numerous times in class, we have measured the pH of many soil sites to determine nutrient values and how they affect the growth and yield of our crops. Next time you are out in nature, make sure to steal a page out of our book and take a closer look at your soil. You may be surprised at what you find!

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