""Automotive Decline" (2nd Place)" by Kaylee Vanlue


Kaylee Vanlue

Images of Research Competition

Editor's Notes

Images of Research (IOR) is an opportunity for current Murray State students from all disciplines to capture, share, and present the essence of their research in images. IOR showcases and preserves students' research in digital form and fosters engagement and creative endeavors. The jurors extend their thanks to the students who entered work for this year's competition. The entries came from a wide range of disciplines including Mathematics, Studio Art, Biology, Graphic Design, Metalsmithing, Wildlife Biology/Ecology, Electromechanical Engineering and Technology, Photography, and Vet Technology. The jurors' decision-making process was challenging as the submitted work was engaging, visually stimulating, and excellent representations of Murray State student research.

Committee Members

Dana Statton Thompson, MLIS, MA, MFA, Associate Professor of University Libraries (Jury Chair)

Cintia Segovia Figueroa, MFA, Assistant Professor of Photography and New Media

Dr. Kathy Callahan, Professor of History

Dr. Laura Sullivan-Beckers, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Biology

Dr. Marcie Venter, Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Michael Flinn, Professor of Biological Science and Director of Hancock Biological Station

T. Michael Martin, MFA, Associate Professor of Art & Design and Director of University Galleries


Through research of the mechanics and surfaces of vehicles long forgotten, we can discover the history of the machine and what led to its current state. I dived into the inter-workings that make a motor vehicle run to the corrosion and rust on the exterior. My research went into what causes these things to occur, the toll these things could leave on the environment it was settled in, and what it takes to bring them back to life. This is an image of work being done on a 1975 Dodge Tradesman Van that had been left to deteriorate for over twenty-two years. By the end of the restoration research, we were able to get it running and successfully remove corrosive and rusted areas that would limit the lifespan of the van. The photo was taken a few days into the restoration and overall clean up of the years gone by and included us diagnosing what was keeping it from being road ready, as well as, a midpoint of its progress.
