Editor's Notes
Boaz Burnett was recipient of an ORCA Travel Grantto present this research at the 2022 Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering Conference. This recording features Jake Hildebrant and Boaz Burnett discussing their presentation at the Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering Annual Conference located at the Galt House (Louisville, KY) on November 10, 2022.
This paper looks at an example of how engineering technology undergraduate students in the Electromechanical Engineering Technology program at [masked] utilized their background in automation to assist in fundamental civil engineering research. The authors developed a large climatic chamber to study the interplay between varying environmental conditions and fundamental soil behavior. Undergraduate engineering technology students assisted in the installation and testing of automated systems to monitor and control temperature and relative humidity within the chamber. The [masked] student’s utilized sensors, an Arduino system, and programmable logical controllers to log and trend data to assist in the research. The paper discusses best practices of utilizing applied engineering students to assist in theoretical engineering research.
Recommended Citation
Burnett, Boaz and Hildebrant, Jake
"Engineering Technology Undergraduates Assisting PhD Research through Automation,"
Steeplechase: An ORCA Student Journal: Vol. 6:
2, Article 4.
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