"Research-Based Reading Strategies: Why, What, Where, When?" by Morgan Mayer, Bailey Green et al.

Research-Based Reading Strategies: Why, What, Where, When?

Project Abstract

Research-based reading strategies are vital for teachers to utilize and thus support learners needs in the classroom. These strategies can help build and strengthen skills in all six essential pillars of literacy including: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. We will offer why a teacher should use them, what some examples are in all pillars, where we can place them into our current daily literacy schedules, and when we should use them throughout our school day. We will demonstrate and model each strategy while providing materials for the audience to use in their classroom on "Monday."


Name and Location of Conference:

Kentucky Reading Association Annual Conference 2017


Dates of Conference:

October 27-28, 2011

Date of Presentation: October 27th

October 28, 2016

Funding Type

Travel Grant

Academic College

College of Education & Human Services


Elementary Education


Bachelor of Science




Dr. Christina Grant

Academic College

College of Education & Human Services

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