Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Current Social Issues: To what degree do demographic factors account for point of view?

Current Social Issues: To what degree do demographic factors account for point of view?

Grade Level at Time of Presentation







Kentucky Community and Technical College System

KY House District #


KY Senate District #





Daily the press bombard Americans via radio, newspaper, and screen with sensationalized stories of conflict, strife, science, medicine, politics, and the like. The shock factor of reported news has become a standard selling technique. This research will attempt to determine if there is a significant relationship between what and how often we hear reported news stories and our opinions of current events.

This observational study, using a survey of approximately twenty questions, will closely examine relationships between how peers receive their daily news and whether or not they trust the United States government and our police, whether or not they support the Black Lives Matter movement, what their highest level of education and political party affiliation is, if race plays a factor, and if they are gun owners. Also being recorded and included is any potential significant relationships between demographics such as age and religion as they may relate to opinions about these and other current divisive political issues.

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Current Social Issues: To what degree do demographic factors account for point of view?

Daily the press bombard Americans via radio, newspaper, and screen with sensationalized stories of conflict, strife, science, medicine, politics, and the like. The shock factor of reported news has become a standard selling technique. This research will attempt to determine if there is a significant relationship between what and how often we hear reported news stories and our opinions of current events.

This observational study, using a survey of approximately twenty questions, will closely examine relationships between how peers receive their daily news and whether or not they trust the United States government and our police, whether or not they support the Black Lives Matter movement, what their highest level of education and political party affiliation is, if race plays a factor, and if they are gun owners. Also being recorded and included is any potential significant relationships between demographics such as age and religion as they may relate to opinions about these and other current divisive political issues.