Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Glenn Hoffman: World Fish Parasitologist

Glenn Hoffman: World Fish Parasitologist

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Agriculture, Food and Environment




Kentucky State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Division of Aquaculture


Dr. Glenn Hoffman was a world-renowned fish parasitologist with a highly-accomplished career beginning in the 1940s and extending past his retirement in 1985. He authored “the bible of American fish parasitology” Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes (1999) and three other major books. His career was mainly at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory, Leetown, West Virginia and at the U.S. Fish Culture Station in Stuttgart, Arkansas. This presentation of Dr. Hoffman’s life is based on his book The Fish Doctor: Autobiography of a World Fish Parasitologist written with the help of Glenn’s son Lyle in 2010, the year that Glenn died (Dr. Lyle Hoffman is a physics professor at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania where he also served as Department Head for ten years).

This presentation is also based on digital scans of Glenn’s slide photo collection that he willed to me (and were mailed to me by his son Lyle). My student William Christopher Lyvers has worked hard digitizing these “Kodachrome” slides. I was in communication with Glenn during his final years while he was residing at a retirement complex in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, just 8 miles from his son Lyle’s home. We exchanged information including my DVD Diseases of Warmwater Fish and Trout Diseases that I mailed to him. He was extremely appreciative of having these interactions with me, and as a result, he designated that I should receive one of his two sets of slides (the other set went to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Leetown, WV.

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Glenn Hoffman: World Fish Parasitologist

Dr. Glenn Hoffman was a world-renowned fish parasitologist with a highly-accomplished career beginning in the 1940s and extending past his retirement in 1985. He authored “the bible of American fish parasitology” Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes (1999) and three other major books. His career was mainly at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory, Leetown, West Virginia and at the U.S. Fish Culture Station in Stuttgart, Arkansas. This presentation of Dr. Hoffman’s life is based on his book The Fish Doctor: Autobiography of a World Fish Parasitologist written with the help of Glenn’s son Lyle in 2010, the year that Glenn died (Dr. Lyle Hoffman is a physics professor at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania where he also served as Department Head for ten years).

This presentation is also based on digital scans of Glenn’s slide photo collection that he willed to me (and were mailed to me by his son Lyle). My student William Christopher Lyvers has worked hard digitizing these “Kodachrome” slides. I was in communication with Glenn during his final years while he was residing at a retirement complex in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, just 8 miles from his son Lyle’s home. We exchanged information including my DVD Diseases of Warmwater Fish and Trout Diseases that I mailed to him. He was extremely appreciative of having these interactions with me, and as a result, he designated that I should receive one of his two sets of slides (the other set went to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Leetown, WV.