Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Exploring Young Males' Vulnerability to the Sex Trafficking Industry in a Rural State

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Morehead State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Sociology, Social Work, and Criminology


Exploring Young Adult Males’ Vulnerability to the Sex Trafficking Industry in a Rural State

Matt Belcher, Emily MacFarland, Kevin Shankle

Dr. Elizabeth B. Perkins, Ph.D.

Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminology

Morehead State University

Currently there are between 27 and 30 million slaves in the world, 22% of those are trapped in the sex trafficking industry, 2 million of the sex trafficking victims are children. That being said, it is incredibly important to recognize that trafficking occurs here in Kentucky as well (Sex Trafficking. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Our research project focuses on data collected through interviews with 50 homeless young adult males in Louisville, KY for the purpose of achieving a clearer understanding of the nature and scope of male sex trafficking in the state of Kentucky. This information is providing us with a clearer picture of the amount and types of services male victims of sex trafficking require.

Our interview team has been conducting semi-structured, open-ended interviews with homeless young adult males about their background, spending habits, market involvement, customers, pimps, health and needs, experiences with police, and their future expectations. While this study focuses on sex trafficking we are also asking questions pertaining to labor trafficking as well. It should be noted that this research is currently still in progress.

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Criminology Commons



Exploring Young Males' Vulnerability to the Sex Trafficking Industry in a Rural State

Exploring Young Adult Males’ Vulnerability to the Sex Trafficking Industry in a Rural State

Matt Belcher, Emily MacFarland, Kevin Shankle

Dr. Elizabeth B. Perkins, Ph.D.

Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminology

Morehead State University

Currently there are between 27 and 30 million slaves in the world, 22% of those are trapped in the sex trafficking industry, 2 million of the sex trafficking victims are children. That being said, it is incredibly important to recognize that trafficking occurs here in Kentucky as well (Sex Trafficking. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Our research project focuses on data collected through interviews with 50 homeless young adult males in Louisville, KY for the purpose of achieving a clearer understanding of the nature and scope of male sex trafficking in the state of Kentucky. This information is providing us with a clearer picture of the amount and types of services male victims of sex trafficking require.

Our interview team has been conducting semi-structured, open-ended interviews with homeless young adult males about their background, spending habits, market involvement, customers, pimps, health and needs, experiences with police, and their future expectations. While this study focuses on sex trafficking we are also asking questions pertaining to labor trafficking as well. It should be noted that this research is currently still in progress.


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