Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Technology Use in Secondary Chemistry and Physics Classrooms in Kentucky

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Secondary education; mathematics and Spanish




Morehead State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education


As the presence of technology grows, so does its importance and usefulness to chemistry and physics education. This study focused on how technology is being used in secondary chemistry and physics classrooms across Kentucky and its perceived classroom effects. Using SurveyMonkey, 74 secondary chemistry and physics teaches in 34 Kentucky school districts were asked about the kinds of technology they used in their classrooms and in what way(s) they used technology. The survey response was 23% (N=17). Survey results indicated that teachers used videos, various apps and websites, cell phones, tablets, lab aids, and SMARTboards in their classrooms. Teachers reported using technology for enhancing instruction, easing data collection, and student research. Overall, teachers felt that technology makes instruction better and easier, but can also become a huge distraction for students.



Technology Use in Secondary Chemistry and Physics Classrooms in Kentucky

As the presence of technology grows, so does its importance and usefulness to chemistry and physics education. This study focused on how technology is being used in secondary chemistry and physics classrooms across Kentucky and its perceived classroom effects. Using SurveyMonkey, 74 secondary chemistry and physics teaches in 34 Kentucky school districts were asked about the kinds of technology they used in their classrooms and in what way(s) they used technology. The survey response was 23% (N=17). Survey results indicated that teachers used videos, various apps and websites, cell phones, tablets, lab aids, and SMARTboards in their classrooms. Teachers reported using technology for enhancing instruction, easing data collection, and student research. Overall, teachers felt that technology makes instruction better and easier, but can also become a huge distraction for students.


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