Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Precise Lifting

Precise Lifting

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School






Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



In industries dealing with machine manufacturing, employees need to move machines or make fine adjustments, they use machine skates to do all of the heavy lifting. This task requires jacking the machine up, which can alter the alignment, making it difficult to set these machines in the proper spot. Is it possible to precisely place a machine without compromising the necessary precision? The constructed prototype needs to life the machine, but also skate to easily maneuver and move the machine. The result of the created jack is significant, because it makes placing a machine easier to do and does not move around much. Overall, this has the potential to improve the time-efficiency, tediousness, and difficulty for many businesses face when manufacturing heavy machinery.

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Precise Lifting

In industries dealing with machine manufacturing, employees need to move machines or make fine adjustments, they use machine skates to do all of the heavy lifting. This task requires jacking the machine up, which can alter the alignment, making it difficult to set these machines in the proper spot. Is it possible to precisely place a machine without compromising the necessary precision? The constructed prototype needs to life the machine, but also skate to easily maneuver and move the machine. The result of the created jack is significant, because it makes placing a machine easier to do and does not move around much. Overall, this has the potential to improve the time-efficiency, tediousness, and difficulty for many businesses face when manufacturing heavy machinery.