Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Dentaloe: An Innovation in Dental Health

Dentaloe: An Innovation in Dental Health

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School






Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



With new and improved dental care products the objective of this innovation is to reduce plaque buildup in the mouth and improve oral care. Most believe that toothpaste is the main factor in the removal of plaque while in all actuality it is the toothbrush. In fact just using your tooth brush to brush your teeth is nine percent more effective at removing plaque than brushing with toothpaste according to clinical trials. Floss is also a main factor in the removal of plaque as it is actually going in between the teeth and making contact with the gums. So for this innovation aloe was utilized for the prevention of plaque buildup on the and in between the teeth. Aloe was added to products that clean in between the teeth such as, floss and picks. Aloe has been used in other oral care techniques but has not been used for the reduction of plaque buildup. The reduction of plaque by aloe is believed to be plausible because it has antibacterial properties. These properties were tested in the lab and the Dentaloe Picks were made and tested to determine if there was a viable market for the innovation.

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Dentaloe: An Innovation in Dental Health

With new and improved dental care products the objective of this innovation is to reduce plaque buildup in the mouth and improve oral care. Most believe that toothpaste is the main factor in the removal of plaque while in all actuality it is the toothbrush. In fact just using your tooth brush to brush your teeth is nine percent more effective at removing plaque than brushing with toothpaste according to clinical trials. Floss is also a main factor in the removal of plaque as it is actually going in between the teeth and making contact with the gums. So for this innovation aloe was utilized for the prevention of plaque buildup on the and in between the teeth. Aloe was added to products that clean in between the teeth such as, floss and picks. Aloe has been used in other oral care techniques but has not been used for the reduction of plaque buildup. The reduction of plaque by aloe is believed to be plausible because it has antibacterial properties. These properties were tested in the lab and the Dentaloe Picks were made and tested to determine if there was a viable market for the innovation.