Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Natural Vs. Synthetic Drugs

Natural Vs. Synthetic Drugs

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School






Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



The world of modern medicine is always changing, and as future doctors and scientists, it is our job to create the most cost effective and efficient medicine for eliminating infections, illnesses, and diseases. Today, bacteria is becoming highly resistant to medications that have been used for centuries to fight these infections. This means that our generation is responsible for studying the effects of different medications on these bacteria, and comparing the results. Our research project will help in trying to solve a huge question: What will we depend on for fighting these infections in the future? We plan to study the effects of both natural and manufactured medications on common bacteria such as E. Coli, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus. We will carry out our project starting in January, and plan to find results that can be used to help answer this question. We will start by ordering three medications from the penicillin family, and proceed test them on the three bacteria mentioned above using care and caution as we put them in Petri dishes with the selected medium. We will then order our three natural medications (aloe, echinacea, and garlic), and repeat the same process. 18 Petri dishes will be used in total; one for each bacteria and medication combination. Nutrient agar has been selected as the medium for bacteria growth. In order to determine how effective each medication is, we will compare sizes of the zones of inhibition for each of the bacteria after the initial experiment is completed. This will give us a clear outlook on the results of our experiment, which will eventually be compared to other experiments people have done on similar topics. Not only will our research back that of professionals, it will also give us more hope for the future. We hope to continue studying the field of medicine as it progressively changes.

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Natural Vs. Synthetic Drugs

The world of modern medicine is always changing, and as future doctors and scientists, it is our job to create the most cost effective and efficient medicine for eliminating infections, illnesses, and diseases. Today, bacteria is becoming highly resistant to medications that have been used for centuries to fight these infections. This means that our generation is responsible for studying the effects of different medications on these bacteria, and comparing the results. Our research project will help in trying to solve a huge question: What will we depend on for fighting these infections in the future? We plan to study the effects of both natural and manufactured medications on common bacteria such as E. Coli, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus. We will carry out our project starting in January, and plan to find results that can be used to help answer this question. We will start by ordering three medications from the penicillin family, and proceed test them on the three bacteria mentioned above using care and caution as we put them in Petri dishes with the selected medium. We will then order our three natural medications (aloe, echinacea, and garlic), and repeat the same process. 18 Petri dishes will be used in total; one for each bacteria and medication combination. Nutrient agar has been selected as the medium for bacteria growth. In order to determine how effective each medication is, we will compare sizes of the zones of inhibition for each of the bacteria after the initial experiment is completed. This will give us a clear outlook on the results of our experiment, which will eventually be compared to other experiments people have done on similar topics. Not only will our research back that of professionals, it will also give us more hope for the future. We hope to continue studying the field of medicine as it progressively changes.