Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: The New Normal for Getting to and from Work

The New Normal for Getting to and from Work

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School






Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



With a world of increasing demands on our resources, renewable power supply is becoming an attractive alternative source of power especially in short distance travel. An easy way to save a little cash and increase in getting out more is to utilize solar power for transportation to and from work with little expense and a quick rate of return for your time and effort. This design will show the promise of taking used bicycles and cutting them up along with some square tubing and miscellaneous electrical parts to create a recumbent trike that is electrically powered by 2 small electric motors, 2 batteries and recharged by the means of the sun; i.e. solar panel. It will be able to run at a speed of 8-10 miles an hour. The backyard ‘Do It Yourselfer’ will be able to build and join others in being ‘gas’ free and solar driven. It is hoped that the prototype model can withstand the demands of daily use and travel a minimum distance of 3 miles before recharging.

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The New Normal for Getting to and from Work

With a world of increasing demands on our resources, renewable power supply is becoming an attractive alternative source of power especially in short distance travel. An easy way to save a little cash and increase in getting out more is to utilize solar power for transportation to and from work with little expense and a quick rate of return for your time and effort. This design will show the promise of taking used bicycles and cutting them up along with some square tubing and miscellaneous electrical parts to create a recumbent trike that is electrically powered by 2 small electric motors, 2 batteries and recharged by the means of the sun; i.e. solar panel. It will be able to run at a speed of 8-10 miles an hour. The backyard ‘Do It Yourselfer’ will be able to build and join others in being ‘gas’ free and solar driven. It is hoped that the prototype model can withstand the demands of daily use and travel a minimum distance of 3 miles before recharging.