Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Caffeine’s effect on Escherichia Coli

Caffeine’s effect on Escherichia Coli

Grade Level at Time of Presentation

Secondary School






Project Lead The Way - Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



This project was created to find caffeine’s effect on Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli is a bacterium that continues to contaminate humans throughout the world. Previous work has failed to address a clear solution to keep E. coli from contaminating humans through undercooked meats, raw veggies, uncleansed water, and other resources. It is hypothesized that caffeine will have an antibacterial effect on E.coli. To test this hypothesis, caffeine will be applied to three of the six Petri dishes, the other three being the control group. The diameters of the colonies will be measured after incubation, to record growth results. If the hypothesis is correct, a form of caffeine solution can be created to put on or in resources to decrease contamination.

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Caffeine’s effect on Escherichia Coli

This project was created to find caffeine’s effect on Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli is a bacterium that continues to contaminate humans throughout the world. Previous work has failed to address a clear solution to keep E. coli from contaminating humans through undercooked meats, raw veggies, uncleansed water, and other resources. It is hypothesized that caffeine will have an antibacterial effect on E.coli. To test this hypothesis, caffeine will be applied to three of the six Petri dishes, the other three being the control group. The diameters of the colonies will be measured after incubation, to record growth results. If the hypothesis is correct, a form of caffeine solution can be created to put on or in resources to decrease contamination.