Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Demographic correlates of average, desired, and perceived average men’s IELT in a global sexually diverse sample

Demographic correlates of average, desired, and perceived average men’s IELT in a global sexually diverse sample

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Public Health




University of Kentucky

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



College of Education/College of Public Health


Background: Although some attention has been paid to actual and desired duration of foreplay (Denney et al., 1984; Hunt, 1974), prior research investigating actual and desired duration of vaginal and anal intercourse (intravaginal/anal ejaculatory latency time; IELT) is minimal and focused on heterosexual North American perceptions (Miller & Byers, 2004). The current research aimed to assess whether average IELT differed from desired IELT and perceived average man’s IELT based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation, geographical location, and number of sexual partners.

Methods: A sample of 9272 individuals: 2551 cisgender women and 6721 cisgender men, average 35 years of age, from six of the seven continents, were recruited for a larger online study of men’s sexual health.

Results: There were no significant differences in gender or orientation for average IELT experienced. As age increased, average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT decreased. As number of lifetime and past year partners increased, average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT increased. Average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT was significantly shorter in Asia and among Asian men and women (9.5 mins avg.) than in all other continents (North America: 12.4 mins; South America: 14 mins; Europe: 13 mins; Oceania: 13 mins; Africa: 11.4 mins) and races/ethnicities. Men desired an IELT significantly longer than women (14 mins vs. 16 mins) and perceived the other men’s average to be longer as well (13 mins vs. 14 mins). Desired IELT was shorter among bisexual (14.5 mins) participants than straight (15.5 mins) or gay (16 mins) participants. Perceived other men’s average was longest among gay participants (15 mins).

Conclusions: Cultural and demographic variables significantly impact the average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT. Implications of these findings will be discussed in the context of cultural perceptions of duration of intercourse.

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Demographic correlates of average, desired, and perceived average men’s IELT in a global sexually diverse sample

Background: Although some attention has been paid to actual and desired duration of foreplay (Denney et al., 1984; Hunt, 1974), prior research investigating actual and desired duration of vaginal and anal intercourse (intravaginal/anal ejaculatory latency time; IELT) is minimal and focused on heterosexual North American perceptions (Miller & Byers, 2004). The current research aimed to assess whether average IELT differed from desired IELT and perceived average man’s IELT based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation, geographical location, and number of sexual partners.

Methods: A sample of 9272 individuals: 2551 cisgender women and 6721 cisgender men, average 35 years of age, from six of the seven continents, were recruited for a larger online study of men’s sexual health.

Results: There were no significant differences in gender or orientation for average IELT experienced. As age increased, average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT decreased. As number of lifetime and past year partners increased, average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT increased. Average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT was significantly shorter in Asia and among Asian men and women (9.5 mins avg.) than in all other continents (North America: 12.4 mins; South America: 14 mins; Europe: 13 mins; Oceania: 13 mins; Africa: 11.4 mins) and races/ethnicities. Men desired an IELT significantly longer than women (14 mins vs. 16 mins) and perceived the other men’s average to be longer as well (13 mins vs. 14 mins). Desired IELT was shorter among bisexual (14.5 mins) participants than straight (15.5 mins) or gay (16 mins) participants. Perceived other men’s average was longest among gay participants (15 mins).

Conclusions: Cultural and demographic variables significantly impact the average, desired, and perceived other men’s average IELT. Implications of these findings will be discussed in the context of cultural perceptions of duration of intercourse.