Murray State's Digital Commons - Posters-at-the-Capitol: Movement in the Elementary General Music Classroom: Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Movement in the Elementary General Music Classroom: Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Presenter Information

Austin WoodFollow

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Music Education- Percussion




Morehead State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences


Elementary music teachers use a variety of movement activities in the classroom. The common thought is that movement engages a student's brain more than the contemporary lecture. In this study I explored the assistance of kinesthetics by teaching a lesson with and without movement. The group not moving will be the control group. I assessed each class with a microphone at the end of the lesson having them sing the tune by themselves. Lastly I took my recordings to an unbiased graduate student in my department and had them judge the accuracy of the recordings with a copy of the music.

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Movement in the Elementary General Music Classroom: Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Elementary music teachers use a variety of movement activities in the classroom. The common thought is that movement engages a student's brain more than the contemporary lecture. In this study I explored the assistance of kinesthetics by teaching a lesson with and without movement. The group not moving will be the control group. I assessed each class with a microphone at the end of the lesson having them sing the tune by themselves. Lastly I took my recordings to an unbiased graduate student in my department and had them judge the accuracy of the recordings with a copy of the music.