Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: James E. Grunig: Legend of PR

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Dr. Melony Shemberger

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


James E. Grunig specialized in public relations, communication and dissemination of scientific theory. In 1984, Grunig and Todd Hunt co-authored Management of Public Relations. This approach is demonstrated in their definition of PR, which states: “public relations activities are part of the management of communication between an organization and its publics” (Grunig and Hunt, 1984, p.7-8). Grunig was an active social activist, and his name was on the list of all the important members of the U.S. academic communication organizations. Grunig’s significant contribution to the four models of PR is: 1. The Press Agentry Model. 2. The Public Information Model. 3. The 2-way asymmetrical model. 4. The 2-way symmetrical model. This contribution makes him in the superior position in his American PR community.


Small Ballroom, Curris Center

Start Date

April 2016

End Date

April 2016


Apr 20th, 10:00 AM Apr 20th, 11:30 AM

James E. Grunig: Legend of PR

Small Ballroom, Curris Center

James E. Grunig specialized in public relations, communication and dissemination of scientific theory. In 1984, Grunig and Todd Hunt co-authored Management of Public Relations. This approach is demonstrated in their definition of PR, which states: “public relations activities are part of the management of communication between an organization and its publics” (Grunig and Hunt, 1984, p.7-8). Grunig was an active social activist, and his name was on the list of all the important members of the U.S. academic communication organizations. Grunig’s significant contribution to the four models of PR is: 1. The Press Agentry Model. 2. The Public Information Model. 3. The 2-way asymmetrical model. 4. The 2-way symmetrical model. This contribution makes him in the superior position in his American PR community.