ORCA | General Poster Session
Counselor's Counsel
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Mass Communications
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Dr. Melanie Shemberger
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
One of the most influential people in the PR field was the late Patrick Jackson, who came up with the nine ways PR impacts the bottom line. There is a wide acclamation of his list of nine ways, because of its implications in the PR field, and this is one of the reasons as to why he should receive scholarly attention. Patrick Jackson has featured in various forms of literature. As such, finding information about him will rely on previous literature. The paper will apply a critical analysis on literature that has examined Patrick Jackson to retrieve relevant information related to the topic. The study will add to other literature examining the topic, by examining one of the contributors in the PR field, Patrick Jackson. Patrick Jackson had the dedication to teaching them about the profession’s direction, as well as the ways and philosophies needed to achieve objectives of the PR field. He mentored interested people and lead them to the right direction. In addition, the study will examine Jackson’s Model, which comprised of the five steps towards behavioral change. His input into the field of PR, as well as the education sector, should earn him scholarly attention.
General Posters Session--ONLY
Counselor's Counsel
One of the most influential people in the PR field was the late Patrick Jackson, who came up with the nine ways PR impacts the bottom line. There is a wide acclamation of his list of nine ways, because of its implications in the PR field, and this is one of the reasons as to why he should receive scholarly attention. Patrick Jackson has featured in various forms of literature. As such, finding information about him will rely on previous literature. The paper will apply a critical analysis on literature that has examined Patrick Jackson to retrieve relevant information related to the topic. The study will add to other literature examining the topic, by examining one of the contributors in the PR field, Patrick Jackson. Patrick Jackson had the dedication to teaching them about the profession’s direction, as well as the ways and philosophies needed to achieve objectives of the PR field. He mentored interested people and lead them to the right direction. In addition, the study will examine Jackson’s Model, which comprised of the five steps towards behavioral change. His input into the field of PR, as well as the education sector, should earn him scholarly attention.