Author/Artist Name

Paige SmallFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 2022

Artist Statement

As an artist I work by taking things from my personal life that hold a deep meaning to myself. Recently I have been working a lot with the idea of community and human interaction and what that looks like to me. Community is a place that helps one grow and feel supported and those interactions are vital as a human being. As a printmaker being able to create multiples of the work I am doing is also really important. As each piece may have a slight variation, making it unique, I am able to give back to those who support me the most and create a community around the work made. Drawing inspiration from my faith and the Bible imagery is also something that I like to play around with. Trying to take a unique and abstract approach to what is normally seen is something that I am growing in and am exploring. The community aspect also plays a huge role in this, as what my community and myself believe is the foundation of our relationships.

One of the artists I love and look up to is Kait Bryan. She is someone that takes her faith and makes it into something really special. She paints and draws what is around her all for the glory of the Lord. I also love Katie Max who is a painter. She is very abstract in the work, but I love her color usage and the way she expresses herself through mark making.

Playing around with mark making is something that I enjoy in printmaking. Playing around with color choices too is something that makes a big difference in what a piece may feel like, which plays along with the imagery being made. I personally like using very happy colors, because my work is generally very happy or positive.


Rebecca Williams, Nicole Hand, Mike Martin


I use printmaking primarily for my work. I work with ideas of community, human interaction, and biblical imagery in a unique and abstract way. Other than printmaking I have used artist books and drawing to work with these ideas as well.

Photo Credit

Paige Small

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Paige Small Art399 Portfolio



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