Author/Artist Name

CJ NanceFollow



Download Thumbnail Sheet (545 KB)

Download All Ears_2022.JPG (4.6 MB)

Download All Ears Angled_2022.JPG (4.5 MB)

Download BlueGreen Bowl_2022.JPG (4.1 MB)

Download BlueGreen Mug_2022.JPG (4.0 MB)

Download Dark Green Mug_2022.JPG (3.1 MB)

Download Dry Brushed_2022.JPG (3.9 MB)

Download Father_2022.JPG (5.4 MB)

Download Forever Growing_2022.JPG (4.8 MB)

Download Ghastly_2022.JPG (5.7 MB)

Download Growth_2022.JPG (5.3 MB)

Download Little Buddy_2022.JPG (5.9 MB)

Download Mini Vase_2022.JPG (3.9 MB)

Download Pepaw Front_2022.JPG (4.2 MB)

Download Pepaw Left_2022.JPG (3.6 MB)

Download Pepaw Right_2022.JPG (4.2 MB)

Download Purple and White Mug_2022.JPG (4.3 MB)

Download Self Portrait_2022.JPG (5.0 MB)

Download Thrown Objects_2022.JPG (3.2 MB)

Download Weird but Usable_2022.JPG (3.0 MB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Fall 12-6-2022

Artist Statement

Mental illness and being transgender is not only my story to share, but others as well. My art is just one version of this life that thousands of people go through. Even if my art reaches just one person and makes them feel seen, then I know my art is doing something good, not just for me, but for others too. I enjoy depicting my journey with social transitioning in different ways, some may be beautiful, others might be gory or make others uncomfortable. I was once told by an art history professor that you want your art to make people feel something, whether it be a good or bad feeling. No matter what I make I always keep that in mind, “make this piece so that people will feel something.” I understand that with most of my work focusing on transness most people will feel uncomfortable, or some even disgusted with my work and that makes me smile knowing that I did what I set out to do.


Nicole Hand-Bryant, Mike Martin


I will use any medium I can get my hands on, but most of the pieces you will see will be printmaking or ceramics. In my printmaking journey so far I really enjoy Lithography as a medium and I have taken to throwing on a ceramics wheel very well.

Photo Credit

Photo Credit, CJ Nance, 2022

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CJ Nance Art399 Portfolio



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