"Caitlyn Cooper - ART 399 Portfolio" by Caitlyn Cooper

Author/Artist Name

Caitlyn CooperFollow



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Download AirFlow.png (9.7 MB)

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Download AlphaGalPal2.png (6.9 MB)

Download LunarVenturesDraft.png (2.6 MB)

Download PossumTrot01.png (4.1 MB)

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Download PossumTrot03.png (19.6 MB)

Download Lunarventures.png (15.2 MB)

Download LV_Home.png (13.9 MB)

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Download LV_Oasis.png (13.3 MB)

Download MenstruLog2.png (5.6 MB)

Download FatBearWeek.png (398 KB)

Download PossumLight.png (7.0 MB)

Download AnnualReport.png (7.9 MB)

Download AnnualReport2.png (7.5 MB)

Download SmartFridge.png (2.8 MB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-2-2024

Artist Statement

My body of work combines Graphic Design and UI/UX design to investigate and problem solve how to make well-designed products that are interesting and accessible to the broader public. UI/UX work has allowed me to design with intention, finding purpose in my choices and making the experience easy to navigate for the end-user.

Accessibility is not an afterthought but a cornerstone of the creative process. Whether crafting a website, a mobile app, or a digital interface, each project must be approached with a deep understanding of its context, audience, and objectives, ensuring that every design choice aligns seamlessly with overarching goals. My design process includes using tools such as Figma, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop. Inspired by the study of Sociology, a fascination with the human experience and the patterns of human behavior within design has emerged as a primary theme within my practice. Language, behavioral patterns, and social norms are shaped by our culture. Learning how to apply sociological knowledge to design allows one to work with human behavior rather than against it.

“Alpha-Gal Pal” is a UI/UX mobile design mockup centering around Alpha Gal, an allergy causing intolerance to red meat and other mammalian products. The app that I conceptualized and designed would allow users to scan grocery items while shopping, checking the ingredient list and product for known allergens. The app’s visual design and functionality would ideally allow users to feel safer when shopping, as the FDA is not required to alert consumers about red meat by-products in ingredient lists. By making the design accessible and helpful, allergens become easier to navigate for users.

Massimo Vignelli is an influential Graphic Designer and his work has shaped my approach to design and typography. Studying Vignelli's work, including his New York subway signage, has taught techniques for creating visually engaging typography and accessible design solutions. For a Web Design course at Murray State University, students were tasked with redesigning an Art Museums exhibitions website only using typography. Vignelli’s bold typography work inspired my work for the project and allowed for the creation of aggressive typography that reflected the Tate Museum and the contemporary art they exhibit. Although the typography is visually aggressive, navigation and accessibility were still important factors when constructing this design.

Through the convergence of graphic design and UI/UX, I strive to redefine the boundaries of digital creativity, forging new paths that prioritize accessibility, intentionality, and above all, empathy.


Scott Cook; Jim Bryant


The work featured in the portfolio is Graphic Design mockups of UI/UX design and Web Design. Some of the UI/UX works featured include Alpha Gal Pal, MenstruLog, and Air Flow. Each of the designs focus on merging engaging designs with accessibility within online spaces. MenstruLog is a UI/UX design prototype that allows the user to track pain levels, symptoms, and menstruation patterns on their phone. The problem I was trying to solve through my design was how to create a menstruation tracking app that focused on the symptoms of menstruation, rather than on the fertility associated with menstruation. Many people who menstruate have no desire to become pregnant, nor do they identify with the heavily gendered language. MenstruLog would allow users to store their symptom data and compile it in easy to read graphs and documents to help communicate their needs to their healthcare providers. Through my design, I focused on person-first, descriptive language that allowed users to easily describe and identify their pain and mood symptoms. I used a orange pastel color scheme that associates itself with menstruation, but not out-right feminine.

Other works found in the portfolio include Web Design and Branding Design projects completed while at Murray State University.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Caitlyn Cooper - ART 399 Portfolio



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