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Download This sculpture was cast out of my own arm using various mold making techniques, finishing with casting. This sculpture is about 5 feet tall and stands on a stool. (85 KB)
Academic Level at Time of Creation
Date of Creation
Spring 5-4-2018
Artist Statement
Carly Dothsuk
Spring 2018
Artist Statement
My art questions what home means to me in relation to my family and myself. I have recently begun exploring why home is home, and what that may entail and why we may rebel against it. I want to figure out why I love my family,and or even why I rebelled from my home. My work functions as a sort of apology in a sense; apologizing for taking people and my home for granted.
Through my paintings and drawings, I explore this with the use of different planes, lines, abstract symbolism and even a series of self portraits to help me explore this. I do this by using colors, line, and perspective to bring things forward, and some back. Playing with the different planes, lines and abstract symbolism gives the artwork depth and space for the viewer to observe and ponder the work. I want to explore memories, go back in time and search for reasons, explanations, and comfort in the ordinary.
Daniel Pitin’s work best exemplifies where I would like to go with lines and his use of space that helps him tell the story or experience he is trying to portray. (An example would be his work Watchtower.) I want to take my memories and mix them with abstract scenes to make them more like memories than reality. I guess in a sense you could say that I want to bring you into my world. In my work Fond Memories, you can see my try at this; and in my painting Many Explanations you will see a continuation of this as well. In the drawing Fond Memories I cut out pieces of the drawing to show the fragments our memories may leave out. With lines and perspective I create a new world to explore, a peek inside of my head and experience the memories with me. In my painting A Map I play with space by using color to give it a “another dimension” feel to it. I make it seem spacious by using flat paint versus layered paint, which pushes and pulls the subjects of the painting.
The main difference between my paintings and drawings (although they speak of the same things) is that in my drawings I prefer cleaner lines and less color, and in my paintings I prefer color and abstraction with less lines. However, my goal is to eventually combine the two mediums. I have already begun experimenting with pastels and conte pencil to push myself in drawing, and to desensitize myself with color. In all of my work you will see a basic symbol for a house. This symbol means home in many forms, and is universally understood to be just that.
My goal with my artwork is to be understanding and inquisitive of myself and what the viewer may think. I want to figure out myself and others, while focusing on home and what that may mean to me and even other people. I want to provoke consciousness and reflective thinking in my viewers and myself.
Rebecca Williams, PhD.
In my last photo uploaded, it is of a sculpture. This sculpture was made by using various mold making techniques to achieve a casting of my arm.
Recommended Citation
Dothsuk, Carly, "cdothsuk_proprac_SP2018" (2018). Professional Practices (ART 399). 33.