"Rosalyn Churchman ProPrac" by Rosalyn Churchman

Author/Artist Name

Rosalyn ChurchmanFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 2018

Artist Statement

Rosalyn Churchman | Artist Statement

My work is an examination of the process of decontextualizing everyday objects and manipulating perception through juxtaposition and the use of freeform line. I find that by juxtaposing order and chaos I am able to create energetic and visually engaging compositions.

I have synthesized the techniques of Julie Mehretu’s layered line and Jackson Pollock’s abstract paintings to develop a style of my own. The static nature of ordered line juxtaposed with loose line creates dynamic and dramatic movement throughout the piece. I think of each of these drawings as a maelstrom of line, pattern, and ink clouds that come together to create ambiguous and abstracted compositions.

I am interested in incorporating recognizable images of the human figure within more abstract compositions to evoke a universal feeling of distress. These pieces use parts of the human figure as reference points within an abstract and dynamic scene. This juxtaposing allows me to blur the line between figuration and abstraction. In these drawings, I incorporate colored pencil and watercolor with pen and ink. I find that along with pattern and line, the addition of color enhances the piece and aids to the overall complexity of the drawing. The appearance of bold black lines and patterns beside bright blocks of color gives an aggressive and graphic quality to these drawings.

In my current drawing series, Gears, I render human faces and figures, but incorporate mechanical aspects. I am exploring this method of juxtaposing the artificial with the human as a new means of depicting ironic and unnatural subjects.

I would like to transfer my ideas of juxtaposing order and chaos to my graphic design work. I enjoy typography and the manipulation of letter forms through font variations, color, and pattern to develop eye-catching and aesthetic visual hierarchy. I am also drawn to page design and enjoy organizing imagery and type into effective and visually interesting compositions. Paula Scher’s use of color, shape, pattern, and type to create engaging compositions inspires me to do the same in my own designs. Like Luba Lukova, I would also like to scan in my drawings and then manipulate them on the computer. I am interested in how my method of contrasting order with chaos and the recognizable with the unrecognizable can play out in my future designs.


Dale Leys, Danielle Muzina, T. Michael Martin


a mix of works in various mediums and sizes

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Rosalyn Churchman ProPrac



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