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Download Cincinnati Annual Report Cover.png (110 KB)
Download Cincinnati Annual Report Spread 2.png (729 KB)
Download Cincinnati Annual Report Spread 3.png (966 KB)
Download Cincinnati Annual Report Spread 4.png (481 KB)
Download Envelope Package.png (751 KB)
Download OMAS Poster.png (113 KB)
Download OMAS Poster 2.png (837 KB)
Download Phonograph Brochure Back.png (317 KB)
Download Phonograph Brochure Front.png (228 KB)
Download Self Care Ad.png (85 KB)
Download Soap Package.png (156 KB)
Download Starbucks Coffee Package.png (53 KB)
Download Starbucks Hot Chocolate Package.png (74 KB)
Download Starbucks Tea Package.png (90 KB)
Download Tolkien Tavern Logo.png (48 KB)
Download Wine Lable Back.png (79 KB)
Download Wine Lable Front.png (38 KB)
Download Art Orchestra Ad.pdf (155 KB)
Download Not Yet Begun To Fight Ad.jpg (93 KB)
Download Quebec Ad.jpg (82 KB)
Academic Level at Time of Creation
Date of Creation
Fall 12-3-2018
Artist Statement
When people look at the work that I’ve done at Murray State so far, I want them to notice my passion for the field. In the works that I have done so far, a few of my favorite things to instill are alignment, typography and color. In graphic design, these elements are important attributes to create a successful piece.
I typically try to imitate what attracts me to another person’s work. My art and design use a lot of contour lines, symmetrical balance, shape, and negative and positive space. Usually my mental process of starts with getting ideas in my head and I write them down. If I don’t get an idea right away it usually takes some time for me to finally come up with a project to do. If I do have an idea though, it usually starts as one thing and as I start to work on it, it begins morphing into many different ideas and my entire project becomes a much bigger concept. I have instilled some of these elements and principles of design, specifically into a logo project and travel ad layout project.
The things that influence my work vary from my family to music to desserts to traveling. They are the things that excite me the most and I always have endless ideas of items to make when it comes to them. I also love making logos and the concept of brand naming. I am very interested in working on my hand lettering. This is a very big reason why I love Louise Fili and Marla Moore’s work so much. Fili does both branding and hand lettering and I recently have started to look at her work more often. Moore does everything that I aspire to do as well. Her aesthetic and her hand lettering inspire me to really give it my all. Overall, what I think I do the best in are the projects that interest me and go along with what I want to be successful at in life.
Jim Bryant
Collection of artwork created digitally while attending Murray State University.
Recommended Citation
Guinn, Sarah, "Professional Practices" (2018). Professional Practices (ART 399). 52.