The Journey of Storytelling

The Journey of Storytelling

Author/Artist Name

Keimya HarrisFollow


Download Red and Green.jpg (905 KB)

Download Don't Touch My Hair.jpg (1.3 MB)

Download Beer Cub.jpg (6.4 MB)

Download All eyes on us.jpg (1.2 MB)

Download Hanna.jpg (546 KB)

Download Blue Torso.jpg (4.8 MB)

Download Asase Yaa.jpg (6.4 MB)

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Download Transformation.jpg (6.5 MB)

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Download Beautiful Melody.jpg (2.7 MB)

Download Untitled Still Life_99.jpg (1.8 MB)

Download Blissfully Dangerous.jpg (1.1 MB)

Download Moon Goddess.jpg (2.8 MB)

Download Endangered.jpg (765 KB)

Download Purple Legs.jpg (1.5 MB)

Download The Protector.jpg (2.0 MB)

Download Moods of Teigen.jpg (3.6 MB)

Download Crumbled Thoughts.jpg (785 KB)

Download Ravenna.jpg (2.6 MB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-5-2020

Artist Statement

Whenever we think of stories most of us can visualize what the setting and the characters look like. Within my work I strive to take storylines from my imagination and bring them to life. For my work I aspire to bring important aspects of stories to life by creating illustrations that deal with fantasy worlds that deal with creatures and people that inspire viewers to embrace their inner child or feel as if they're a part of the story. To achieve my goal of bringing different and unique storylines alive I use different mediums such as ink, marker, and colored pencil to help give life to these stories by capturing the viewer with vibrant or subtle colors and detailed line marking. The different medium contributes to my vision because it can give the characters and landscapes a stylized but life-like feel or make the audience feel as if they're in a storybook. Things that have helped me towards this journey are Bella Rachlin, Tony Jackson, Bobby Chiu, and many more. Each of the artists that are a big influence to me allow me to take a step back and see the worlds I visualize in ways I may never have considered. When I make each piece of work I always think of what kind of story I want to tell and what emotions that I want to make my audience feel. On this continuing journey I am taking as a storyteller I hope that I continue to bring out the child within my audience and make them want to use their imagination.


Professor Mike Martin


Ballpoint pen on paper 18" x 18"

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The Journey of Storytelling
