"Clamor of a Catalyst" by Gretchen Ruth

Author/Artist Name

Gretchen RuthFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-14-2023

Artist Statement

The beauty of change and time are found in cycles of destruction and rebirth. Time is active, spitting out transformed versions of everything in a constant cycle it remains as an ever present inevitability of existence. To adjust with this transformation can be stifling as much as relieving. This body of work focuses on repurposing found materials while pondering the inherent nature of change.

Some objects are left to collect dust and remain as they are. Every object questions what is truly disposable. Do the things we throw away remain discarded forever? To challenge this, I cultivate an art practice that aims to enhance the potential of reclaimed objects by incorporating them into multimedia experiments. Paintings, metalworks, fiber, and textile objects shown are all composed of scraps that are usually left untouched.These materials experiencing the catharsis of renewal are able to exist intrinsically as artifacts. The outcome of these pieces is dependent on the intricacies of each object's individual creation.

Every project starts with an initial tactile response. Simply being curious about the outcomes of putting two different things together.The constant problem solving, along with pure intuition, makes finding each solution a step further into a subconscious state. This feels like a haze that is mindless yet mindful. A frantic distortion of the self which leaves no indication of its existence aside from the work made. Actively taking the role of a catalyst to cause a metamorphosis of these materials. They become objects beyond their piles.The fleeting nature of creating these works mimics the transformative nature of ourselves. The same as all things in this world. This art practice attempts to memorialize the ephemeral qualities of this body of work: the artmaking process, the present self, and the remnants of what was left behind.

Gretchen Ruth


Jeanne Beaver; John Utgaard; Danielle Mužina; Mike Martin


Throughout all the work a lot of time was spent gathering materials and along with some very loose plans of what to make. Then intuitively combining a bunch of different materials to make one object. This was all really a collection of relics of experiments within experiments. However, there are some very intentional aspects throughout this collection. Red and composition. The red seen in the paintings is a visual representation of the energy/vibration felt amid creating and visual harmony and balance is sought after through composition. The jewelry, wearables, and wall hangings seen are more composition focused on their experimentation while the paintings are meant to be a bit more expressive. There are many intricacies in this exhibition, but it can be broken down into a few main themes.

The pieces exhibited exemplify three things: accessibility, sustainability, and intrinsic value. The main purpose of the works is to show some of the many ways you can make art by recycling found objects and that anyone can create no matter how little they have. Ultimately these objects exist for the sake of existing. Although, this show can be summarized as an antithesis to consumerism.

A thumbnail list of all the work shown including titles, materials, and dimensions can be found below.

Clamor of a Catalyst



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