"PCKT" by Sarah Hall


Author/Artist Name

Sarah HallFollow


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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-9-2019

Artist Statement

My design philosophy favors playful and vibrant solutions. If I am having fun, and if my design results in the viewer having fun, then I feel successful. I tend toward bright colors that reveal a more child-like side of myself. This youthfulness is balanced by more mature typography and a rigid layout. My goal as a designer is to reconcile this lighthearted attitude with mature and sophisticated design values.

My own illustrations play a large part in my designs. I frequently utilize icons as an illustrative means. I will break down the visual elements of an object or concept until it is very simple, and then design with the resulting shapes. These small illustrations are often made with friendly, rounded lines or bold flats, and like normal icons, can appear as a set. These icons can then serve any purpose, be they a summary of ideas, placed in a puzzle-like arrangement, or a pattern. Line is another recurring motif, and comes into play frequently in the design for PCKT. Line quality is used to establish attitude and texture. Wavy and straight lines are used to differentiate between a playful piece and a business-like one. In this project, I combine whimsical accent colors with mature neutrals. There is constant play between friendliness and maturity.

The PCKT brand’s intention is to push the notion of independence and inclusivity, and as such, assures two guarantees. The first guarantee is of the inclusion of pockets on every garment provided, and is meant to liberate and mobilize busy women who maintain a digital presence and are required to carry their devices on their person, among other tools and necessities. The second guarantee promises the inclusion of all sizes, and not to limit fashion options for those outside of a predetermined bracket. PCKT advertising pushes both of these concepts, putting plus-size models in the forefront just as often (if not more often) than conventionally sized models.

I look to influences such as Reid Miles for his ability to weave type harmoniously into his layouts, Michael Beirut for his deceptively simple solutions to a client’s needs, Duck Brigade for their web design’s fun interactivity and integration of a brand’s design with a brand’s attitude, and Sagmeister & Walsh for their absolute destruction of norms and boundaries.


Jim Bryant


Graphic Design, Digital Printing, Motion Graphics, Web Design,

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

