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Academic Level at Time of Creation
Date of Creation
Spring 4-29-2020
Artist Statement
My current body of work raises consciousness for individuals or groups who are marginalized as other based on one’s nationality, religion, race, culture and more. I use painting to illustrate difficult ideas and make them more accessible, thus creating a space of dialogue and representation. By showing new ideas and stories, the stories of people’s lives and the complexities of the human experience are extended.
I paint in a vibrant color palette, utilizing color to express emotions and place the subject in an environment tailored to their stories. A specific mark-making style, consisting of colorful ‘dots,’ are included in the painting to engage the composition and to bring attention to the subject. These abstract spaces also contrasts with the naturalistic rendering of the figure and environment, thus producing energy and tension. One example is Friendship. In this painting, the mark-making activates the space in which the three friends are sitting in.
I also incorporate components of mixed media in my art work by collaging pieces of paper directly onto the painting. The pieces add another layer of meaning and complexity. The collage materials are often stitched onto the painting with needle and thread. On a further note, my process of collaging is neither deconstructive nor an act of ‘surgery.’ Instead, the materials I use when collaging undergo a transformation. I take an ordinary piece of paper, and by editing its shape and its surface with paint or drawing, it gains a new meaning and function. When I add all the collage material together, they work together and narrate an essential part of the story. In each painting, the collage material interacts different with the subject matter.
An example that incorporates the paper collage is Jasmine, a portrait of a young African American girl. She is standing before a building that mimics buildings commonly found on university campuses. There are pieces of paper with sections of color that are collaged into the painting. This painting reflects on institutional racism, and the pieces of collage represents her desire to fight through oppression and to gain her agency.
Danielle Muzina; Antje Gamble; John Utgaard; Mike Martin
My paintings consists of mixed-media and oil paints. The composition often has a figure in an environment, and elements of mixed media such as paper, thread, and ink are incorporated into the painting. The paintings themselves range from works on canvas or wood panels. My pieces can range from 8"x10" to 3'x4'.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Whittaker, Eriko and Whittaker, Eriko, "Perspectives" (2020). B.F.A. Practicum Exhibition (ART 498). 57.