"Suited" by Twinkle Bhojwani

Author/Artist Name

Twinkle BhojwaniFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-6-2020

Artist Statement

Jennifer Morla, a contemporary designer, once said, “asking questions generates more ideas.” I am an external processor, I tend to think out loud in order to generate innovative ideas. When I create work, I do not only think about solving the problem, I also think about influencing the visual world around me, because being a designer gives me power. Design helps others to see the world through my vibrant lens.

Suited is about the confidence, character, and style that comes with the decision to be bold in both attitude and appearance. I want women who see the magazine to be inspired and believe in the potential they have to encourage and lead those around them. Through the design for this brand, I want to evoke powerful positive emotions. I plan to suggest these emotions through sleek typography and bold photography. I pair both vibrant and subtle colors together to make it easier for the viewer to navigate through the magazine.

I use my designs to evoke an emotion by pushing ideas, manipulating line, experimenting with shapes and colors, and observing detail. My love for sleek serif fonts such as Didot aided to the design of the Suited font. I paired it with Barlow which is a condensed sans serif font that compliments the serif. I chose a colorful palette for the interior of the magazine to create hierarchy and aid the direction for the viewer.

My work is visually influenced by Herb Lubalin. He would manipulate type in such an

Illustrative and expressive way, that it would be both an image and typography. I like to express an idea with fonts rather than with imagery, and he is an advocate for this. I am most inspired by his design of the font “Avant Garde.” Zuzana Licko and her husband created Émigré magazine which is a magazine created by immigrants for immigrants. The magazine became known as a “revolutionary design publication.” The fonts made for this magazine were so popular that the magazine became a type foundry. She changed the contemporary design world around her, which to me is powerful.


Jim Bryant, Feifei Pang, Danielle Muzina, Mike Martin


SUITED is brand that I have created. SUITED is about the women who told themselves that they weren’t leadership material. That they were not worthy enough to be a leader. SUITED is also for those women who have pushed the boundaries and norms of their world around them and have accepted the challenge to be the best leader they could be. SUITED is about the confidence, character, and style that come with your decision to be bold. SUITED is about paving a way for the generation of women to come and to inspire the women around you to be bold enough to be themselves. This brand is for women that cannot be STOPPED, but also for those women who need to be told that they are strong enough to do it.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.




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