"Ascension" by Greyson Lott

Author/Artist Name

Greyson LottFollow



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Download installation image (7.2 MB)

Download Brand Catalog with products inside (18.0 MB)

Download Poster in the show (13.7 MB)

Download Poster in the show (9.5 MB)

Download Poster in the show (4.4 MB)

Download poster in the show (11.5 MB)

Download Poster in the show (3.4 MB)

Download Logo for the brand (23 KB)

Download Brand style guide that shows the ins and outs of the designs behind Ascension (150 KB)

Download Thumbnail works list and exhibition overview (3.4 MB)

Download Exhibition narrative (49 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-23-2021

Artist Statement

As a small child, I always found myself running wild and exploring the vast amount of land around my house in the country. Climbing trees and crafting narratives and quests in my head. To this day, I feel free and relaxed when surrounded by fresh air. Nature’s beauty has always captivated me and at first glance, it’s seemingly incidental. Upon further inspection, you realize its design is methodical and structured; everything is built for efficiency. This natural efficiency is something I’ve always tried to express as a graphic designer. Simple, structured design that is organized to express itself and convey information in a clear, beautiful way.

Ascension was born to share my love for nature and attempt to capture the feeling of comfort and freedom that all nature lovers experience. It is a clothing and equipment brand dedicated to helping hikers, explorers, and nature lovers alike connect with the outside world. We produce clothing, gear, equipment, and information all dedicated to inspire and motivate people to explore nature and discover new passions, no matter your skill level.

Stylistically, I wanted to incorporate movement throughout my brand. This is done through a bold color palette that has a slight vintage aesthetic and is tied to repetitive, flat patterns that help modernize the brand and give it a sleek, dynamic layout. Along with bold but minimal typography, these elements combine to create a brand that is not only fun and visually exciting, but structured and efficient in helping connect people with nature. Ascension incorporates many visual forms such as photography, illustration, and motion graphics. The video commercial helps set the mood of the brand and expresses this style and my love for motion graphics that I have found in the past two years. Physical assets such as the catalog show off the company side of the brand and some of the products we offer. I wanted to create something that merges my love for nature and design, while standing out with its style in order to help others discover this love as well.

My design inspirations come from artists such as Herbert Bayer, whose work easily stands out with his dynamic use of color and form; Massimo Vignelli, who was a master at communication and clean and clear visual structure; and Aaron Draplin, who combines bold shapes and colors to create elegantly simple and fun flat design. The former two were strong advocates of the Swiss Style and helped define modern design as a whole with their marvelous sense of structure and space. The Swiss Style incorporates principles of cleanliness, readability, and objectivity and as a whole has always influenced my design philosophy. Ascension personifies these principles of design while combining my love for nature in hopes of helping others discover a similar feeling. I put much love into it and it serves as an expression of myself.


Jim Bryant, Mike Martin, Todd Herzberg, Woody Leslie


graphic design

Photo Credit

Greyson Lott




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