"Industreality" by GraciLou Ackerman

Author/Artist Name

GraciLou AckermanFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-29-2022

Artist Statement

Days go by, rain comes and goes; buildings are built, occupied, and abandoned. Walls that were once so vibrant with life are eventually silenced. Generations upon generations witness the same subject with different eyes, perspective, and time. Minds are stimulated with excitement through the curiosity of our senses. Restorilazation and revitalization are a necessity to honor the enchantment that has once taken place. Constructing an infinite memory out of what was once a fleeting location is the goal to be achieved throughout the artwork.

As a community we cannot let the walls be silenced or forgotten. The sounds heard, textures witnessed, and the industrial infrastructure itself that once held such importance must be esteemed. The buildings and structures alone in them self is of art, the linear patterns, the geometric depth, the shape, and forms standing alone are mostly overlooked. Bringing these sites into the contemporary context with digital photography lets the unoccupied location have a new life, in a new era.

Personal influence was cultivated within a small blue-collar county, of Carmi, Illinois. A town full of momentary dreams. The remote town forced creativity and appreciation to be pushed beyond the stereotypical. One child might find peace, beauty, and comfort in the subway, or surfing in the ocean; however, for me, it was found in my own back yard. Watching my father work in his collapsing metal shop with his worn-out equipment. Waking up to the sound of a diesel engine running, a chain rustling, or an air pump accelerating might displease a stranger but to me, it is a lullaby and alarm clock. To me it is what I call home.


Cintia Segovia Figueroa, Antje Gamble, Mike Martin


Digital photography photo collages, ranging in size from 12"-72"




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