Scattered BS/BA Group Exhibiton

Scattered BS/BA Group Exhibiton

Author/Artist Name

Rebekah ThulineFollow


Download "Venus Tea", 20 x 16, oil on canvas, 2019 (54 KB)

Download "Strawberry Self-Portrait", oil on canvas, 2019 (66 KB)

Download "Petite". 36 x 36, oil on canvas. 2019 (75 KB)

Download "Plump and Thin", 20 x 24, acrylic on canvas, 2018 (42 KB)

Download "Christmas Wreath with Fruit and Candles" 20 x 24, acrylic on canvas, 2018 (107 KB)

Download Showing of work in the show (147 KB)

Download Showing of work in the show (259 KB)

Download Poster for show (140 KB)

Download Showing of work in the show (225 KB)

Download Postcard (240 KB)

Download Thumbnail sheet (207 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-3-2019

Artist Statement

One thing fascinating about being an artist is how we perceive the world through a creative lens, finding beauty and importance in even the most practical objects. As humans, we live in a fast-paced world and it’s easy to overlook everyday scenarios, as well as people, places and things. Every so often I get a chance to pause and look at a moment, an object or a genre scene and just enjoy it for a second and admire how the light and composition play off each other. To step out of my busy mind, to ponder over what I’m looking at before I slip back into whatever I was doing before.

My goal with my art is to share a moment with the viewer. To highlight the importance of even the smallest things, their roles in life, and how to be grateful with what we have now with something such as a glass jar, a fleeting moment, or nature. Out of all I paint, nature is where I tend to lean the most towards because of the significance it has in our life. Everything we have in some way leads back to nature. I enjoy experimenting with light and color to draw attention towards the subject and create an atmosphere from natural lighting to dramatic lamp lighting.

I look to Vincent Van Gogh and Janine Antoni for inspiration in style and meaning. Van Gogh had a way of expressing his ideas through his use of color, lighting and perceiving through a different lens to bring attention to an unseen world full of fleeting moments that grasp attention. Janine Antoni takes something ordinary like an everyday task and transforms it into an art form somehow for her sculptures and performances. We are told that life is short and should never waste it, but, we should also remember to live in the moment and try to be happy with what life has given us now.


T. Mike Martin


Every work I used in this collaboration is all paintings. 5 oil paintings and two acrylics.

Scattered BS/BA Group Exhibiton
