"Scattered" by Mattie McArthur

Author/Artist Name

Mattie McArthurFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-26-2019

Artist Statement

Artist Statement

I use photography as a way to capture the world around me. I take pictures to draw attention to the things the naked eye may easily overlook. These small details allow us to see the world in new ways. My goal as a photographer is to make photographs that the viewer can engage with. My work can be viewed as a portal into an unseen world, that opens the eyes of the blind metaphorically and gives the viewer a new form of seeing, that they may never see the world the same again. The environment has so much beauty to offer, and it is a shame to walk around blindly not taking it all in.

My subject choice of nature comes from my livelihood. Most of my life has been spent interacting with the outdoors. I have a personal and emotional connection with the land. I take great joy in capturing these special details that raised me. I want to preserve these memories, as well as share them with all who will see. It is important that we give attention to who we are and where we come from.

I am inspired by the beams of light casted by the sun, as well as the shadows formed by the interaction of nature with itself. Color has become something that I use strongly in my work. It portrays the rich details and beauty in each form of nature whether this be a decaying leaf or the flowing stream. We do not see in black and white, and I think when capturing the exquisiteness of nature, it is important to bring to life the beauty that is radiating and contrasting so boldly with one another.


Kristin Reeves, Mike Martin


This body of work is created with digital photography. It is approximately 48 x 60 inches in size. The purpose of this work is to capture the detail that is easily overlooked. This was done by taking 9 16 x 20 images and separating them into 4 8x10 images a piece. By doing this it breaks apart the picture giving the eye 4 new original images to look at, to notice things that would not have been seen as one entire image.

Photo Credit

Mattie McArthur




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