"Essence of Introspection" by Olivia Swaidner

Author/Artist Name

Olivia SwaidnerFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-14-2023

Artist Statement

Olivia Swaidner

This past year of my life, I have seen hardships and sorrow like I never imagined I could. Taking steps forward and continuing to photograph has been an outlet of expression and motivation to help keep me moving forward. With my experience in this medium, I have found that the process itself is where I find freedom. Especially when dealing with analog photography, the process to create a final image is long with many intentional decisions made along the way. My passion for photographing nature comes from being raised in the open fields and dense woods of western Kentucky and spending my childhood immersed within it. My inspiration is also drawn from my belief in natural theology- that nature is a creation and that in itself is proof of a creator which is explained in Romans 1:20- “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”.

This series combines digital prints and scanned film negatives on inkjet prints. These images use mostly quiet natural and urban landscapes to express the feeling of emptiness. By shooting into the light, I attempt to create a sense of hope and even grateful celebration in the midst of these barren scenes. The use of perspective allows me to create a bigger space to depict the feeling of loneliness. Todd Hido is one of my main inspirations for this series. Although he works in color film, our work is similar to one another in how we romanticize empty and forgotten places, though I do that through space and low contrast. No matter the grim days we live, it is important to find a balance between desolation and hope. To help find that balance, I plan to continue photographing landscapes that reflect the seasons of life that are then being navigated in ways that capture the light still shining through.


Cintia Segovia


Veins of Life

Inkjet print

36 x 24

Celebrate ||

Inkjet print

32.7 x 24

Where are you?

Inkjet print

24 x 32.2

Artificial Joy

Inkjet print

16 x 21.4

Lost away

Inkjet print

16 x 22.3


Inkjet print

24.3 x 16

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Essence of Introspection



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