"Drifting Through It All" by Cross Berry

Author/Artist Name

Cross BerryFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-26-2024

Artist Statement

Mimicry is an important adaptation for survival in the natural world. In nature this comes in varying forms, such as a stick bug that camouflages itself from predators, or how the Myrmarachne camouflages itself as an ant to ambush its prey. Mimicry in our childhood allows us to enhance our creative development. During my childhood, I often tried to mimic the way my cousin would create fantastical creatures. These creations gave me a sense of comfort and confidence in my own imagination, which allowed me to explore design and the way life functions. In my day to day life, I continue to see mimicry within my own children, and the positive effects it has on developing their imaginations.

Mimicry is the primary adaptation that I explore throughout my work. I push the boundaries of functional furniture, focusing on the form of the furniture and how that plays into its functionality. Utilizing zoomorphic qualities throughout my work, I aim to both transcend and embody the craft itself, lending a sense of camouflaged beings to inanimate objects. Their functionality is integral to understanding how they would live in their natural environment. My biological curiosity resonates with the work of both Michael Brolly and Luigi Serafini, who use their art as a vessel for creature creation. Throughout this work, take the time to ponder how these creatures use their form as an object to become either the predator or the prey.

Cross Berry


Sarah Martin


Cross Berry

Dolusexedo Serpente


48” x 66” x 36”


Cross Berry

Coleoptabula Cryptus

Walnut, Wenge, Bloodwood

31” x 54” x 28 ½“


Artist Name

Lignum Cestoda

White Oak and Walnut


Cross Berry

Lignum Sanguisuga (Male)


6” x 5” x 12”


Cross Berry

Lignum Sanguisuga (Female)


4 ½” x 14” x 3 ½“


Cross Berry

Lignum Sanguisuga (Male)


5” x 4” x 12”


Drifting Through It All



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