
This paper takes us back in time with a look at the world and the South Eastern Conference during the time of integration all the way up to present day. It shows the struggle young African-American men and women had to go through in everyday life. The 1960s was a time when young African-American athletes weren’t just thinking about the last play of the game in the deep South but will they be ok making it back to the bus. This looks into two college athletes during this time period and what they went through from the outside world to their family life. Their stories show what they went through to pave the way for future African-American athletes. This paper also gives an updated live look into the SEC to take pros and cons of today. It also visits the many influences outside the SEC and how they have an effect. We take everything we have learned over time and see what we can do or change for future generations.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. David Pizzo

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Social Sciences

Document Type

