"Women in Business Leadership" by stacey thomas



Female participation in business leadership, throughout the world, has traditionally been significantly less than their male counterparts. Various factors have been mentioned to be the cause of this issue. These include gender biases in the workplace and in cultural obligations, familial responsibilities, access to education, lack of female mentors and role models in leadership roles, as well as obstacles in advancement and gaps in compensation. It has been shown that gender bias is a strong motivator for the lack of female presence in business overall, but significantly so for leadership roles. Based on the expectations in our culture as well as many others, women have traditionally been regarded as caretakers of the home environment primarily and as less adept in “male-dominated” fields and roles.

This paper seeks to define and discuss the current status for women in business leadership. This information will include the statistics for female representation in business leadership roles and board membership on a global scale and will include contrasting data for both male representation and for different countries. Additionally, gender biases and cultural differences and their effect on these statistics will be included, as well as other external and internal obstacles presented by both male and female alike. By examining the phenomenon of exclusion in this particular case, this paper will seek to find possible solutions to assist women’s participation in boards and as executives in the business world.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Teri Ray

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Commerce & Leadership

Document Type

