Substance Use and Addiction During Pregnancy


Substance Use and Addiction During Pregnancy.

Babies born addicted to opioids, and stimulants is a major problem in the United States. Mothers are often tested during pregnancy and given a treatment plan. Sadly many mothers struggle with their addiction and end up using harmful drugs throughout the pregnancy, causing neonatal abstinence syndrome, and developmental issues. These babies are often treated and put into a protective custody, while the mother receives treatment or permanently.

I have giving 5 ways that we are going to look into the issues related to addiction during and after pregnancy.

  1. Addiction screenings and treatment during pregnancy.
  2. Maternal and neonatal complications associated with addiction during pregnancy.
  3. Neonatal abstinence syndrome, and withdrawal treatment.
  4. Developmental and brain development issues and problems associated with drug use during pregnancy.
  5. Arrests and forced interventions by the state and Child Protective Services.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Scott Douglas

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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