Social work retention


Working in the social work can be stressful but also a rewarding occupation. There is a rising concern over the high turnover and retention rate regarding social workers. This paper focuses on the factors that play a role in causing those high turnover rates. The main factor covered in this paper is the excessive caseloads social workers are given and the stress that social workers face. Excessive workloads can make it difficult for caseworkers to serve families effectively. Social workers are not able to provide quality work with the overwhelming amount of cases given. There are factors that play into why these excessive caseloads are happening such as rise in incident maltreatment, increase of reporting, changes in laws are policies, and social worker burnouts. If we can focus on the unnecessary stress factors that social workers face then we will see a positive outcome in the well-being in the social workers as well as their clients. This paper will also talk about things to improve on to prevent the retention rate from rising. There are other factors that play in role in the retention rate as well such as worker safety, supervising issues, job satisfaction,

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Ms. Mary Elaine M. Horn

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Human Services

Document Type


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