
This paper offers valuable information that will inform readers about the effects that come with regularly ingesting dietary and performance enhancing drugs and supplements. The paper goes into depth of specific supplements, concerning what the common man or woman believes the supplement does, versus what the supplement is advertised to do. The paper will provide information on certain test trails performed by others as supporting evidence on how the supplement being discussed plays a role in performance enhancement. The motivation behind this paper is to inform young athletes, or any athlete who considers themselves to be uninformed when it comes to fueling their body with the best supplements for that matter, on what supplements are best suited for them based on their own personal goals. The paper offers information concerning supplements such as creatine, pre-workout, amino acids, proteins, and other varieties of vitamins and supplements.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2021

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health & Exercise Studies

Document Type

