Revolving Door Phenomenon in Mental Health


Several studies have reported a massive increase in mental health patients in both children and adults. It has become very apparent that the public mental health system and the legal system are unable to properly assist mental health patients leading to a high number of these people being placed in juvenile detention centers and/or prisons. This paper reports the findings from multiple studies that utilized court databases, data on psychiatric dis-orders, demographic characteristics, and history of incarceration as to why these patients are continuing to struggle and become repeat visitors in mental health hospitals and prisons and how the educational, judicial, and mental health systems can assist in closing this revolving door. A review of research suggests that expanding interventions and continuity of care reentry programs for all ages when they return from incarceration or hospitalization is key to preventing recidivism and stopping or at least slowing the revolving door phenomenon in mental health. To assist students in the future mental health issues and the things that contribute to them. Educating our students and their families on local and state resources that are available to them before and after hospitalization or incarceration, teaching them to be proactive in self-care and their social and emotional wellbeing, along with educating school employees on this fundamental information are all tasks that will be prioritized in my future career.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2021

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Commerce & Leadership

Document Type


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