Use of assistive technology and tools: Effectiveness in young children


This paper explores the topic of Assistive Technology Devices and the different tools available to those in education who wish to who these devices for their students. It also explores several different case studies as to if they are effective in young children. The world of Assistive Technology is growing at a rapid pace and without adequate training and practicing as teachers then you will not be able to effectively train your students to use these devices. Professional development for this topic is rather fun and very hands on. You as an educator has to decide if you are going to take advantage of these devices to give your students a voice and the ability to have a full educational experience or If you are going to overlook them to avoid the work that is put into making this possible for your students.

Keywords: Assistive Technology Devices, Early Childhood, Professional Development,

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2021

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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