Unified School-Led Programs for Special Education


Including and incorporating school-led unified athletics and extracurricular activities for students with disabilities will be investigated in this paper. This investigation came up when hearing a discussion on why all students should feel included and should be included through different programs throughout the school district. All students deserve an equal and fair chance to shine throughout their school and their school district, academically, and through activities. In this paper, you will find more statistics on why there should be unified school-led athletics and extracurricular activities for the students who have disabilities (special education students). In this investigation, there will be details on the benefits of having programs for special education students, how to include them in the activity, who can coach/train them, the training process for the coach, and also the outcomes (pros and cons) of including special needs students into unified sports. Because it is important to get our students active and feel included in our schools and communities this paper will provide demographics on how students with disabilities are involved with physical education (P.E.) classes, why it is important to get students with disabilities involved and active for their health, and lifestyle. Three main factors are important when having unified sports and including students with disabilities, they are, knowing the importance of inclusion, the self-concept of the student, and the importance of the student's physical health. These ideas will come from journals, charts, and articles to help provide the factual demographics on why there should be unified school-led athletics and programs for students with disabilities.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2020

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Scott Douglas

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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