How Cultures and Socioeconomic Groups Value Education Differently



The paper reflects on how education is not as important in some countries than others. In some countries teachers are viewed higher than doctors and lawyers but, in others they are at the bottom. Parents going through secondary education and having children in school their schooling isn’t viewed as important. The document also provides the background information on the schools in Kentucky. Discussing the top three school districts and top three schools in Kentucky as well as the bottom schools. After this my paper goes into a little detail about the different countries and their education views and history. Information is provided about home schooling and why some chose this was of teaching versus public schools. Finally, the importance of education and the financial part of receiving the best education, also Early Childhood Education but not everyone fits the bill or qualifies.

Key Words: Socioeconomic, Education, High-income, Low-income

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2022

Senior Project Advisor

LaTrese L Davis

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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