"SB 150 and What Kentucky's Educators Can Do Next" by Alex Fortner

SB 150 and What Kentucky's Educators Can Do Next


This project is intended as both an outline of the entire planning process for activist events and as a guide for educators and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth. The first half of the document is a plan that details every possible aspect needed in advance of hosting one. This specific rally is about Kentucky’s passage of Senate Bill 150 and the impact it has on transgender and gender nonconforming youth in the state’s public education system, but the headings and subsequent prompt explanations can be used for any political event.

The second half is a list of definitions, details of how each aspect of the new law applies to the pre-existing issues in the system, and ways educators and caregivers can continue to support transgender and gender nonconforming youth within the confines of the law.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2023

Senior Project Advisor

Trisha Jordan, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


This document is currently not available here.

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