"Early Childhood Education" by Halee Spears

Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education is key for a child’s development. We must make sure our children are involved in a safe and stable environment, away from trauma. This starts with giving children the opportunity to have high-quality care. When you are looking into preschools for your child, be sure to investigate all options available and make sure that you are choosing the one that best suites not only the child but the family as a whole. You do not need to spend your income on sending your child to preschool. That is what most families have had to do in the past. It is time we look into ways to change that. Preschool should not cost more than college tuition but since it does why aren’t our educators paid more? Why are early childhood educators’ salaries below the poverty line? We have options, its time our government steps up and notices the impact that early childhood education is making in society, it’s time we recognize the heroes who teach these young children, it’s time we make high-quality education affordable and accessible to all children regardless of disability or their parents’ income. To do that we have to make sure that we are holding our government leaders to higher standards, we must show them that ECE is essential for all young children.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education (ECE), Head Start, State Funded, Private Preschool

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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