Inclusive Classroom Benefits for Typical Learners and Autistic Students in the Preschool Classroom



Autism cases have steadily multiplied over the last several years. Autism is a developmental brain condition that affects an individual's social skills, and communication abilities, and causes sensory challenges. It is crucial to understand the characteristics, brain abnormalities, and medical conditions that are common in people with autism. It is becoming increasingly important to provide children with autism spectrum disorder with the best education possible to prepare them for adulthood. Inclusive preschools offer children with autism the opportunity to practice their social and communication skills that will help them later in life. This can be accomplished by incorporating common interventions into inclusive preschool classrooms as well as adapting the classroom so that it meets the needs of all children.

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, PhD.

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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