PBIS Implementation In Schools



The purpose of this research is to determine if the adoption of the process of Positive Behavioral Interventions and support process in schools will decrease student behaviors. It is also looking to see if academics are affected in any way. We will look at information involving the PBIS process. The history of PBIS will be explored. We will study the three tiers and what each tier represents. The paper will show what a school-long implementation of the PBIS process could be like for a single school. This paper will include data looking at schools implementing PBIS and not implementing the PBIS process. The paper compares the number of office referrals, in-school suspensions, and out-of-school suspensions. Data will also show students meeting academic expectations. The results will show that a school adopting the PBIS process and implementing the process with fidelity can see positive results.

Key Words: Behavior, Fidelity, implementation, intervention, support

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2022

Senior Project Advisor

DT Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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