"Leadership in the World of Athletics" by Peyton Valero


Leadership can affect the sports world in many ways, and great leadership is key to having success as a team. Leadership in sports can make or break a team, and it can also help build strong men and women to lead their families one day. Sports are not just about playing the sport; it is also about the lessons you learn about yourself that will help you improve as a person. Sports can teach you many qualities about yourself as you grow up through sports, but it all starts with leadership and guidance throughout the process. There are many different aspects to leading a group of young men or women, as each year will bring in new people to buy in to the culture you establish as the leader. With this, there are various forms of leadership roles within athletics. For example, leadership can come from the head coach who oversees the entire team as well as other assistant coaches in the program that lead their group in their own unique ways. There are also players in the locker room that take on leadership and captain roles among their peers to help make or break a team in stretches of the year. Leadership in sports involves each athlete on the entirety of a roster. As an athlete who has been part of multiple different teams, I can attest that each coach I have seen leads their team in different ways. I have learned so much through sports that has made me a great player but even a better man. I plan to use what I have learned to help kids when I start coaching. Coaching has always been a dream of mine so not only does writing this paper give you knowledge as you read, but it will also give me more knowledge I may not have yet. As my paper develops, we will dive more into the ways leadership from the head coach all the way to a peer on your team can affect a program, also get into ways leadership can positively and negatively affect a person. Positively leading players can bring so much to a program and many other things. Being negative as a leader will be the main fall of a program or even negatively leading one person can start a ripple effect down the program.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2023

Senior Project Advisor

George Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Commerce & Leadership

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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