"How a Special Needs Classroom works in the Kentucky School System" by Jessica Hope

How a Special Needs Classroom works in the Kentucky School System


The topic of “Special Needs” is becoming more relevant in today’s society, however, many people are still completely unaware of, or simply do not acknowledge Special Needs Units within public school systems. Units in the Kentucky school system have 3 types. These units ensure that each student with a disability will receive the same amount of free and appropriate education as their developing peers. Unit classrooms are structured in specific ways so that students can succeed at their own level. I discuss the Kentucky State Laws, Kentucky standards and guidelines, with the responsibilities for each staff member who works in the unit. Accommodations are modified work for the student on their educational level. I also include an overview of accommodations provided and some possible experiences one may encounter while working in a special needs unit in the state of Kentucky.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2024

Senior Project Advisor

Rachel Evitts

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type


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